The People’s Democratic Party, PDP, has challenged President Mohammadu Buhari to place the Kogi State governor, Yahaya Bello, and his supporters on security watch list, before he wipes out Kogi indigenes ahead the 2023 general elections.

The party also charges the Inspector General of Police to immediately commence a comprehensive investigation into the activities of Governor Yahaya Bello.

PDP stated that the investigation is necessary with a view to nipping the ugly trend in the bud as well as prosecuting him at the end of his tenure as Governor of Kogi State.

In a statement entitled: “YAHAYA BELLO’S THREAT TO UNLEASH MYAHEM IN KOGI IN THE 2023 ELECTIONS”, the PDP said the governor is inciting his supporters to cause mayhem in the state before, during and after the 2023 general elections.

“Our attention has been drawn to the crude, sad and disturbing video clip making the rounds on various social media platforms wherein the Governor of Kogi State, Yahaya Bello was busy inciting his supporters to unleash violence on opposition parties during the forthcoming 2023 General Elections. 

“The Governor issued this threat on Sunday the 4th of September, 2022 at Ihima, Kogi State while addressing his party faithful and loyalists

“In the video, Governor Bello was heard issuing terrorism threats in which he said, “I will personally light a fierce fire in my hand,m. Whoever wants it, we shall use it to burn them.  Whoever survives it will thank God… Whoever is against us we will make him or her join my (late) mother and lie with her (my mother) in grave

“Ordinarily, the Peoples Democratic Party would not condescend so low in joining issues with bullies but we are worried that Yahaya Bello who is supposed to be the Chief Security Officer of the State, protecting lives and properties has become a bully who goes about arrogantly issuing threats to the innocent people he swore to protect, thereby creating an atmosphere of fear and tension of breach of public peace, truncate the 2023 electoral process and derail our democracy

“The PDP therefore calls on President Muhammadu Buhari to immediately call Governor Yahaya Bello to order and place him and his supporters on security watch list ahead of the 2023 General Elections.

“Our Party also humbly charges the Inspector General of Police to immediately commence a comprehensive investigation into the activities of Governor Yahaya Bello with a view to nipping this ugly trend in the bud as well as prosecuting him at the end of his tenure as Governor of Kogi State

“We are determined, by the Grace of God to restore the lost glories of our dear Kogi State.” The party stated.


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