A Toyota Camry car with registration number JAL 492 AA loaded with assorted ammunition and explosives enroute Utanga village towards Obudu Mountains in Cross River State has been intercepted by the Army.

The officers of the Nigerian Army, Troops of 13 Brigade, under the command of 82 Division, intercepted the weapon merchants.

According to the Director Army Public Relations, Brigadier General Onyema Nwachukwu, the operation was carried out   by the  troops deployed at Forward Operating Base, Amana.

Nwachukwu stated that the driver of the vehicle zoomed off when he approached their checkpoint but was forced to stop by the troops that opened fire on the tyres.

“Troops deployed at Forward Operating Base Amana attempted to stop the vehicle at their checkpoint but the driver evaded the checking and zoomed off. The drivers recalcitrancecompelled the troops to open fire on the tyres of the vehicle, thereby immobilizing it.

“A thorough search conducted on the vehicle revealed it was conveying 72 Improvised Explosive Device chargers, 121 Dynamite Liquid, 200 rounds of 7.62 mm (NATO) and 82 rounds of 7.62 mm (Special) ammunition. Other items recovered in the intercepted vehicle are military uniforms and kits.

Nwachukwu enjoined members of the public to own the fight against banditry, kidnapping, insurgency and insecurity in the country by continue to support the military to curb the menace of insecurity in the country.

“Members of the public are please urged to continue to support our troops with credible information that will lead to stemming the tide of insecurity across the country.” He stated.


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