Wednesday, October 23, 2024


The management of the TANTITA Security Services Nigeria Limited, on Saturday, deflected the Nigeria Navy, NN, claims that the MT PRAISEL, vessel intercepted by Tantita, was not on illegal operation when it was anchored off Escravos roads for further investigation by the private security organization.

The security firm in the forefront of the campaign against oil theft insisted that the intercepted vessel was on illegal operation as it changed its approved destination when the operatives accosted it and arrested the occupants of the vessel.

The management in a statement on Saturday, gave a vivid account of how its operatives intercepted the vessel.

It state that on the 1st of August  2023,  its operatives got a valid credible intelligence  that a  vessel which obtained NMDPRA approval to deliver HPFO from  Koko to Lagos offshore was moving in the opposite direction.

It explained that on the  2nd of August 2023, Tantita operatives approached the  MT PRAISEL  as itmade its  way  through  a  creek  in Delta  State  off  Benin  River. The private security firm said that there were naval personal aboard  board the vessel.

The management said this took place before the Tantita inspection crew which includes officers  and men from the  Operation  Delta  Safe, an Inter Service Task Force for fighting crude oil  theft, amongst other things in the Niger Delta.

According to firm, the intelligence suggested that the  vessel ought to be sailing to Lagos, but the Masters of the  vessel indicated he was sailing  to Bonny.

At that moment, the management said Tantita requested for the naval clearance and the documentation showed by the Masters of the vessel indicated Koko as  it’s port of discharge for storage only, stressing that there was nothing  indicating  Bonny as port  of  discharge  in  that  documents.

It stressed that in line with the standard  procedure,

Tantita  requested  for  further  clarification  from  the  crew  as  to  the discrepancy  between  NMDPRA  permit  and sought the naval clearance and permission, to take samples of cargo on board.

Tantita said the request irritated and  infuriated the Naval  personnel on  board, who requested and ordered the Tantita personnel  to immediately

disembark  from  the vessel.

Tantita said it s operatives  had no option  than to escalate  the issue to higher authorities, who mandated that the vessel be anchored off Escravos roads for further investigation.

According to Tantita, it dispatched personnel  to collect samples  from the vessel on the  3rd of August 2023.

It listed those present at the place of collections on the 3rd of August 2023 to include  the Nigerian Navy, Tantita and the NSCDC.

The management said Tantita personnel  were still on board the vessel collecting  samples , when the news broke in the media, that they have intercepted vessel with stolen products.

The company said it was shocked when the Naval Headquarters’  press  statement appeared to indicate that the  NMDPRA  gave approval  to the MT PRAISEL to proceed to Bonny for discharge of crude the following day, .

Tantita management insisted that   Bonny was not the approved port of discharge.

The management maintained that in the  case of MT

PRAISEL, there  were  reasonable  grounds to  be  suspicious  of  it’s  movement towards the opposite  direction from  the  NMDPRA  clearance contrary to  the Naval Headquarters’ press release  on the issue of who was present on Thursday the 3rd of August 2023.

Tantita said it 

was on Friday  the 4th of August 2023, that a staff of NMDPRA , first came on board  to  take  samples

from  the cargo for laboratory analysis.

According to them, while  it was their honest belief that the Naval Headquarters’ press statement was actuated by  the best motives, it clearly raised posers and questions which, the management said are begging for answers.

The management wants to know why NMDPRA approved

port of discharge (Lagos Offshore), different from the  Navy clearance (Koko as  storage), adding that they were  both different from the  port of discharge as indicated in the Naval press statement (Bonny).

Full statement reads.

“On the 3rd of August 2023, news of a vessel the MT PRAISEL intercepted by Tantita broke on a news channel,  while  investigations were  still ongoing,  contrary  to  our  corporate  practices.  As  would  be

noted no official statement from Tantita or any of her directors or top management accompanied  the

news story.

“While Tantita was investigating  the source of  the news leak, on the 4th of August 2023 Naval Headquarters issued a press statement.

“We at Tantita have conducted our investigation undeterred by  press reports, careful not to jeopardize

our investigations while conscious of our responsibilities to the public.

“The fight against oil theft  has been grueling but successful in the last one year and the biggest  secret

of  that  success  is  the extent  of collaboration  between  the  community based  private  surveillance companies particularly, TANTITA and the Government  Security Agencies.

“Therefore, this  is  to  affirm  the  partnership  with  hundreds  and thousands  of  Government  Security

Agents,  officers  and  men  of  the  Nigerian  Army,  Nigerian  Navy, Nigerian  Air  Force,  Nigeria  Police

Force,  Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps as well as the intelligence agencies who  have  put

their lives at risk in the service of the nation.

“For example, barely  three weeks ago  there was an ambush by oil thieves along  the Ahoada axis of

Rivers State where private surveillance personnel and GSAs came under deadly fire and a Nigerian

Army soldier paid the ultimate price, amidst frantic efforts by our private security operatives to rush

him to medical care.

“This goes to show the close working relationship between private surveillance

operatives and the security agencies.

“However  on  the  1st  of  August  2023,  Tantita  received  credible intelligence  that  a  vessel  which  had

obtained NMDPRA approval  to deliver HPFO from Koko to LAGOS OFFSHORE would  be proceeding  in

the opposite direction. On the 2nd of August 2023 Tantita operatives approached the MT PRAISEL as it  made its  way  through  a  creek  in  Delta  State  off  Benin River.

“On  board  the  vessel  were  Naval

personnel,  while  the  Tantita  inspection  crew  included  officers  and men  from  the  Operation  Delta

Safe (the inter service task force for fighting crude oil theft, amongst other things in the Niger delta).

“The intelligence suggested that the vessel ought to be sailing to Lagos, but the Master of the vessel indicated he was sailing to Bonny. Tantita requested for the naval clearance and the documentation

showed by  the Masters of the vessel indicated Koko as port of discharge  for storage only, there was

nothing  indicating  Bonny  as  port  of  discharge  in  that  document.

“In  line  with  standard  procedure,

Tantita  requested  for  further  clarification  from  the  crew  as  to  the discrepancy  between  NMDPRA

permit and the naval clearance and permission to take samples of cargo on board.


this infuriated  the Naval  personnel  on  board who  requested  Tantita personnel  to immediately

disembark from  the vessel.

“Tantita had no option but to escalate the issue to higher authorities who

mandated that the vessel be anchored off Escravos roads for further investigation.

“Tantita dispatched  her personnel  to collect samples from the vessel on the 3rd of August 2023. Those present at the Dme of collecti on the 3rd of August 2023 were the Nigerian Navy, Tantita and the NSCDC.

“Tantia personnel  were still  on board the vessel collecting  samples when the news broke in

the media.

“The following  day,  Tantita woke  up  to  the  Naval Headquarters’  press statement which  appears  to

indicate that the NMDPRA gave approval to the MT PRAISEL to proceed to Bonny for discharge.


are yet to see  that documentation, and as  we noted above  the Nigerian Navy clearance  we  saw did not also state Bonny as  port of discharge.

“There are many vessels plying  this area but Tantita does

not board them, intelligence has to be  credible.

“In  the  circumstances,  there  were  reasonable  grounds  to  be suspicious  of  the  movement  of  MT

PRAISEL  in  the  opposite  direction  from  the  NMDPRA  clearance seen.  Contrary  to  the Naval Headquarters’ press release on the issue of who was present on Thursday the 3rd of August 2023, it

was on Friday  the 4th of August 2023  that a staff of NMDPRA first came on board  to  take  samples

from  the cargo holds for laboratory analysis.

“While it is our honest belief that the Naval Headquarters’ press statement was actuated by the best

motives,  clearly there are questions  which beg  for answers.

“For example, why is NMDPRA approved

port of discharge (Lagos Offshore) different  from the Navy clearance (Koko as  storage) and why are both different from the port of discharge indicated in the Naval press statement (Bonny)?

“In the course of several joint meetings,  we have consistently asked for a single clearing house  for all

approvals so that each  agency of government can  see what the other is approving or has approved.

“We are all  aware that unscrupulous elements can take advantage of existing gaps  in procedures to clandestinely transport and sell stolen crude and illegally refined products.

“For example, a truck can

load  legitimate  products  at a  licensed  depot  and  pass  on  its papers  and  license  plates  to  another

truck carrying illegal products at a side road and if we rely on the papers alone the illegal cargo with

the legitimate papers would  beat the system. Same for motor tanker vessels.

“At Tantita,  it is our resolve that we will not allow a situation where the small fry is chased out of the

illegal  business  only  for  the  big  fish  to  remain in  business.

“A  single 10  tonner  vessel  will  do more

damage  to our economy in a single voyage than 1000 dugout canoes carrying jerrycans.

“And while the illegality with  the dugout canoe is a crime  of  need the illegality with  the  10  tonner vessel is a

crime of greed.



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