By John Ugo

The Labour Party has carpeted the All Progressives Congress (APC) led government of President Muhammadu Buhari for alleged  acts of incomptence, divisiveness, massive corruption and economic woes.

The LP said that voting the APC into governance of the Country gave the ruling party the opportunity to put Nigeria on auction.

It noted that the APC is characterized by corrupt , inept , terribly inadequate , inefficient and grossly irresponsible  Governance.

Comrade Arabambi Abayomi, National Publicity Secretary of the Labour Party stated this in an address to mark Nigeria at 62nd independent celebration.

The party said, “In all considerations , the Country has absolutely nothing to celebrate. Rather a larger part of the  overstressed population are gnashing their teeth as they struggle to exist among various loads of avoidable sufferings.

“In practically all and in  every sector of National Governance the APC has scored zero . Yes , zero.”

According to the party, in the last seven years of APC’s Government , not a single sector scored any form of improvement but rather it has been solely records of total failure .

“In Security ….. Zero . In Education…Zero, Health scored zero ….In fact , it is not necessary to keep naming all because there is just no single sector that hasn’t been  recording failure “

“Notwithstanding and in spite of Nigeria , beyond any reasonable doubt being naturally marked as the most endowed in Africa with a population over 200million, blessed with richness naturally, a Nation blessed with very great potentials in human capital, Nigeria has upon all of these been led by the APC into becoming very dead in morality, dead in every socio-economic, political considerations, dead on environmental scale and finally led into into being considered a Nation now tottering on the edge of  bankruptcy, just a step away from becoming a failed Nation.

“Nigerians are high – value shining stars noted and acknowledged across the World in the field of science and technology , innovation , academia , music and what have you and has no business with   becoming Citizens of a Failed Nation.

 “Seriously and sincerely, why and what can we be celebrating in the state of Nigeria as a Nation? Rather this day marked in history as the day that Nigeria attained the status of an Independent Nation is now by the very failure of the ruling APC/ Bihari Government has forced every Nigerian at home and in diaspora to sharply embrace sober reflections on the greatly disheartening state of the Nigerian Nation.

 “Labour Party here strongly and very sincerely advises the Nigerian Voting Public to use this moment, reality and truth to reflect on the  need to send out the APC Government out of office and fortunately this is an election year.  All of the current challenges the Nation faces are brought on by the inefficiency and corruption of the APC which could have been avoided were the APC Government competent.”

It said,”At a moment like this , it is the patriotic duty of all responsible Citizen in or outside the Country to be concerned enough and join the ongoing and efforts at trying to save Nigeria by collective and honest cooperation . 

“To remove the political Cancer called APC must become a joint struggle of all Nigerians. So by the 2023 polls we remove APC from power and vote in a new and trustable party to lead the Country into a better Nigeria with focus on how to make Nigeria one of the best Nations in the World.

“By divine intervention , a greatly qualified , healthy and committed younger Presidential ticket from LP is in the 2023 race to the Presidency. This is the popular Obi/ Datti ticket.”

“This makes it very easy to make a profitable and a right choice by voting massively for Obi / Datti at the 2023 election. This is the most acceptable, unsoiled and very highly favoured choice on offer among the other sickly , ancient – old , certified treasury thieves and by general consensus , very unfit and dangerously dangerous Candidates.”

 “The inadequacies of the APC Government reflects  in the current harrowing insecurity in the Nation and the economy . For an instance , the APC has all over its tenure being very busy in raising the bar of corrupt practices in the oil sector under the guise of oil subsidy.

“Again , it is  clear that estimation put the equivalent of the volume of gas flared up in the first half of 2022 to carbon dioxide (Co2) emission of 6.7 million tons in the oil producing areas, 4.56 percent higher than the 120. 5 billion Standard Cubit Feet of gas flared in the second half of 2021 and capable of generating 12,600 gigawatts hours of electricity.”

“Nigeria is endowed with large oil, gas, hydro and solar resources, and it has the potential to generate 12,522 MW of electric power from existing plants. On most days, however, it is only able to dispatch around 4,000 MW, which is insufficient for a country of over 195 million”

“Let us again take a look at the colossal avoidable disadvantages and loss the APC Government got acquired for the Nation in the mismanagement and corruption laden failure about the refineries . If the APC Government did the needful by linking the flared gas to the Nation’s  refineries after necessary needed development and improvement of these refineries, this attendant waste and revenue loss could have been averted.”

 “The estimated equivalent of the volume of gas that got fared in the first half of 2022 at 6.7m tons in the oil producing areas , which is 4.56 % higher than the 120bn SCF of gas flared in the 2nd half of 2021 that is capable of generating 12,600 gigawatts electricity.”

“On the other hand, the quantity of flared gas in the first six months 2021 could generate a 14,000 gigawatt – hours of electricity and equivalent of 7.4million tonnes of CO2 emission.By official account , the break down of the gas flared in the Country in the 1st 6 months of year 2022 , it is disclosed that while companies in the off shore operations flared 62.2 bn Standard Cubit Feet  gas , Companies operating on  shore flared 63.9 bn SCF of gas , valued at $223.6 million.”

It stated that, “The APC unrepentantly continue to defraud the Nation through the same old PDP vague claims of a unverified oil subsidy  payments. The Buhari led APC Government lied that Nigeria consumes in every one day 34m ltrs of petrol as if all indices attached to purchase of PMS are fixed. The crying question is “is it possible for a 70ltrs private car that has been fully filled up at a petrol station to again buy another 70ltrs of petrol the second day ?.

 “Again , another ugliness is on the quantity of crude oil exported to be refined against the quantity brought back that informed the corrupt and fraudulent oil subsidy claims over the years”

 “Nigeria lost #81bn to gas flaring in 18 months as supplied by the data from the Nigerian Oil Spill Monitor , an official arm of the Nigerian Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency NOSDRA released a few days ago. The quoted data revealed that the Country lost a total of #707bn in 2021 and #184 bn in the first half of  this year totalling #891bn.”

 According to the same  NOSDRA report , oil and gas Companies that are  operating in the Country flared a total of 126 bn Standard Cubic feet of gas in the first half of 2022 Leading to a loss of $442.2 m ( #183.54 bn) in the six months.

“While in 2021 about 23 , 862 ,271 barrels of oil (3, 770, 238 , 864 liters / 119 tanker truck loads were spilled. The Brent was sold Internationally for an average of $71 per barrel in 2021 bringing total revenue loss in that year to $1.7bn.”

“ASUU , the legal body of the University Lecturers across the Nation has been on strike for close to 8 months  and are still on strike . The loss of relevance of the APC in the Government under its rule is monstrous.

Should anytime be again wasted on the level of Insecurity in the Nation ?.

“Under the Administration of the APC , nothing , yes nothing works. From the foregoing and with all the demonstrated incapacity of the ruling APC Government , it is not difficult to see that the only option open to the Nation is to vote out APC in 2023.”

 “Presently , Nigeria leads the pack of International heavily indebted Nations short of just one Nation. 

Nigeria has been over the last eight years been progressively mis ruled into bankruptcy and of course the Nation must ensure that it is voted out in 2023.”

 “It is not debatable that Nigeria fared better under the Colonial rule , of course , Nigeria has been returned to a far worse experience than Colonialism by the APC Government driven very insanely by unheard of corruption , selfishness , incompetence , acute official rascality , blind greed , cluelessness and unrepentant treasury robery all facilitated by the array of morally dead and hardened criminally inclined Leaders “

 “It is highly hoped that the voting public will make this year the last for the APC in Government by rejecting and disgracing it out of power “

“Further more Nigerians are now having before them a clear chance to take the Country away from the failed Politicians in APC and re – invest their votes in Obi/ Datti Candidacy, a trustworthy, capable and sincerely committed and focused presidency from 2023 onwards for a guaranteed Governance based on fine principles of democracy . The one Presidential Candidacy on offer with the best antecedence . This is the only available option for Nigeria to be quickly and efficiently repositioned and transformed into a producing Country away from the current Status of a consuming Nation.”

“On this occasion of marking the freedom and Independence of Nigeria , Nigerians have nothing to celebrate , so the Nation must support the Obi/ Datti Candidacy in LP in the Presidential election and win for it in the election with your votes , thus hopefully in the following years with Obi / Datti Presidency , the Country will have lots to celebrate “

 Abayomi therefore urged Nigerians to vote for the LP for a prosperous future and consciously refuse to exchange your vote for money.

“Your vote is the key with which the door to security , productive economy,  peace and freedom can be earned , vote wisely and vote rightly for Obi / Datti in LP acknowledged for unshakable commitment to Equity , fair play and justice that are the main ingredients for a good and people friendly Governance,” he said..

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