NANS Gives FG 24 Hours Ultimatum to End ASUU Strike

Soji Ajibola

The National Association of Nigerian Students, ‘B’ Zone, has given the Federal Government a 24-hour ultimatum to end the ongoing industrial action embarked upon by the Academic Staff Union of Universities, or risk barricade of its road network in Oyo state.

The Union on Monday staged a warning protest in Ibadan, calling on FG and ASUU to reach a compromise or incur the wrath of students nationwide.

NANS noted with dismay the impact of the prolonged ASUU strike on the future of Nigerian students

Addressing newsmen, its Southwest coordinator, Comrade Tegbe Steven wondered why the same ASUU that always assist politicians to rig elections in the Country is now turning against the same system.

He skid called on the Federal Government to endeavor to fulfill agreements reached with the union.

NANS vowed to block all the federal roads on Tuesday, if the Federal Government and ASUU failed to reach agreement.

The inscriptions on the pacards displayed during the protest reads ; “FG and ASUU, Stop the madness, Stop the strike and revitalize our education sector, After the end of strike, only students lose. FG should learn to respect agreement. Age is irriversible, house rents are not refundable stop distrupting our life plans.”

Speaking further, the state coordinator said; “We are holding our peaceful demonstrating here today because of the lingering crisis between the ASUU and the Federal Government which has been a reoccurring event over the years.

“Unfortunately, we the students have always been at the receiving end. If the Federal Government and ASUU refuse to resolve today, we won’t hesitate to go by way of violence. It is going to be violence for violence and war for war. They cannot continue waste our time. When two elevants fight, it is the grass that suffers.

“We are calling on the Federal Government to learn how to respect agreement. We have seen on many occasions where the Federal Government and ASUU reached agreement but the government will fail to fulfil its pledge. We are also calling on ASUU to have a decisive ways of spending their resources, even when their demands are met.

“This is because we want to see the projects they are doing with the subvention they are receiving from the Federal Government. Our people are complaining that they are not seeing what they are doing with the money released to them.

“Meanwhile, it is the same members of ASUU that rig elections for politicians. Though we don’t have any issue with them because they are our fathers and teachers but we need to say the truth.

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