President Joe Biden of the United States of America, has lifted the visa ban placed by his Predecessor, the controversial Donald Trump, on Nigeria and 12 other countries with huge Muslim populations

The policy known as ‘Muslim Ban’ was introduced by Trump in January 2017 as one of his major immigration policies.

Trump placed the ban on the countries with heavy Muslim population over purported security threat to the US.

President Biden fulfilled his electoral campaign promises on immigration policy by lifting the ban which has deprived over 41,000 people access to the US.

The countries affected by the Trump’s discriminatory ban were Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Venezuela, and North Korea, Myanmar, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Sudan, and Tanzania.

With the ban, citizens from these countries were allowed to visit the US but prevented from settling there permanently.

Biden reportedly lifted the ban on his first day in office and directed the State Department to resume processing of visa for applicants from Nigerian and others.

Reports have it that the reversal of the controversial and discriminatory policy which was challenged up to the Supreme Court was lifted through an executive order.

Biden’s action which would be celebrated in the affected countries signify a deliberate move to erase Trump’s grip on the immigration system which focused on preventing movement into the US from these countries.

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